The San Diego Bonsai Club (SDBC) is known for having many interesting and educational events for all bonsai enthusiasts from beginning students to those wishing to take their bonsai skill to the next levels. In addition to creating bonsai from individual trees, from tiny to large, we also have tray planting classes, pot making, experts on hand every meeting so you can get advice on any of your trees, guest speakers, demonstrations, and more in-depth workshops to learn and improve more advanced skills.
It is a requirement that one be a member of SDBC to take the classes and participate in other activities offered by the SDBC. To take a class, you must sign up for the class. Sign-ups become available two months before the class is held.
The Beginner's class sessions and workshops for intermediate and advanced students are conducted during the regular meeting day which is the generally second Sunday of the month.
Beginner's classes (Class session 1-3) are held in Room 104 in the Casa del Prado
at 8:30 AM on club meeting dates. See beginner's classes and beginner's classes schedule.
Workshops are held at 8:30 AM (unless otherwise stated) in room 101, which is the main meeting room. See workshops and skills classes.
Skills Classes will concentrate on learning single bonsai technique. See Workshops & Skills classes.
So, check out what is now planned for you at SDBC.
Sign up for classes and workshops: E-mail William Graham at [email protected] or sign up at the next meeting. Space is usually limited so don't be left out.
William Graham
Vice President of Education
It is a requirement that one be a member of SDBC to take the classes and participate in other activities offered by the SDBC. To take a class, you must sign up for the class. Sign-ups become available two months before the class is held.
The Beginner's class sessions and workshops for intermediate and advanced students are conducted during the regular meeting day which is the generally second Sunday of the month.
Beginner's classes (Class session 1-3) are held in Room 104 in the Casa del Prado
at 8:30 AM on club meeting dates. See beginner's classes and beginner's classes schedule.
Workshops are held at 8:30 AM (unless otherwise stated) in room 101, which is the main meeting room. See workshops and skills classes.
Skills Classes will concentrate on learning single bonsai technique. See Workshops & Skills classes.
So, check out what is now planned for you at SDBC.
Sign up for classes and workshops: E-mail William Graham at [email protected] or sign up at the next meeting. Space is usually limited so don't be left out.
William Graham
Vice President of Education